360 Photo Booth
Our 360 Photo Booth takes your Photo Booth to the next level.
Guests can have a fun and interactive experience taking a 360 degree photo to share commemorating your wedding day! Usually set up near the dancefloor, guests can smile and wave, strike a stunning pose, or just simply go all out while the music is playing! Our 360 Photo Booth is sure to bring a lot of fun and excitement to your party!
The 360 Photo Booth package includes:
High Quality Interactive Real Time and Slo-Mo Photos Set To Music - All photos will include a high definition real time capture combined with a slo-mo photo capture, set to music, that guests can immediately save and share via QR Code
360 Lighting - Allowing those standing on the platform to be clearly visible in the photo.
Professional 360 Degree Photos of Your Guests - Photos will come delivered to you in a folder that includes all photos of guests
3 hours of booth time - Includes one camera operator and guest coordinator
Premium Light-Up LED Platform - Guests submerse themselves into the fun with this light-up dancefloor style platform
Premium Lighting and Audio - The video booth can be set up in almost any setting, whether light or dark, near the dancefloor, or in a separate room.
Slo-Mo Photo Booth
Our Slo-Mo Photo Booth takes your Photo Booth to the next level.
A great addition to any wedding and a great way for guests to remember it! A short Slow Motion "live photo" is taken of your guests celebrating, striking a fun pose, and more that they can save and share.
The Slo-Mo Photo Booth package includes:
High Quality Slo-Mo Photos Set To Music - All photos will include a high definition real time capture combined with a slo-mo photo capture, set to music, that guests can immediately save and share via QR Code
Lighting - Allowing guests in the booth to be clearly visible in the photo.
Professional Slow Motion Photos of Your Guests - Photos will come delivered to you in a folder that includes all photos of guests
3 hours of booth time - Includes one camera operator and guest coordinator
Gold Shimmering Backdrop - Place your photobooth anywhere in the room with this optional solid colored backdrop.
Fun Props - Photobooth includes fun props like crazy sunglasses, signs, etc. for your guests to revel in.
Still Frame Photo Booth
Traditional Still Frame Photo Booth is a classic way for your guests to have a blast!
A great way for you and your guests to have fun, and for you to get unique photos of all of it! The Still Frame Photobooth is a classic way for everyone to capture that "picture-perfect" moment.

The Still Frame Photo Booth package includes:
High Quality Custom Photos With Bride and Groom Name - All photos will include a high definition real time capture, that guests can immediately save and share via QR Code. Each includes a monogram of the bride and groom's names!
Lighting - Allowing guests in the booth to be clearly visible in the photo.
Professional Photos of Your Guests - Photos will come delivered to you in a folder that includes all photos of guests
3 hours of booth time - Includes automated self photobooth service for your guests.
Gold Shimmering Backdrop - Place your photobooth anywhere in the room with this optional solid colored backdrop.
Fun Props - Photobooth includes 100+ fun props like crazy sunglasses, signs, etc. for your guests to revel in.
Video Guest Book
Our Video Guest Book is a hit for all ages and provides a fun and interactive addition to your wedding.
Guests can select from a variety of backgrounds and step in front of the greenscreen to leave a memorable message, share a funny story, or give advice for the bride and groom. It also provides a fun way for the newly married couple to leave a time-capsule message for their future selves! After the wedding, we compile and edit all of the videos into one, and replace the greenscreen with the backgrounds that you and your guests choose.
The Video Guest Book package includes:
Featured Guest Book Video - Edited film that includes all video messages with guest audio set to music playing softly in the background
Greenscreen Backdrop - Allowing the scenery in the video to be customized and changed
High Quality Backgrounds - Guests can select from a variety of high quality photos what they would like as the background for their message
3 hours of booth time - Includes one camera operator and guest coordinator
Premium Lighting and Audio - The video booth can be set up in any setting, whether light or dark, and includes high quality audio recording devices to properly capture speech.
For an even fuller experience combine a Photobooth with our Professional DJ Services